Good afternoon friends, As Ezekiel concludes, I come back to the thought that prophetic writings are different than any other forms in the Bible. Are they "literal" or "figurative/symbolic" or a mixture? This last chapter seems to say Yes to all these options. Blessings, Jeff Last words from Ezekiel describe the distribution of the twelve tribes, giving Joseph's 2 sons shares and excluding Levi. But most of the chapter is about the "new" holy portion for the city, temple, Levites, priests and prince. Observations In this new Israel, all the tribes are regathered and have essentially equal strips of land. This is another difficult thing to understand. The 10 northern tribes (Israel) were dispersed and tribal purity was almost certainly lost. So how do these tribes become reconstituted? Judah and Benjamin were intact up to the time of the exile. Benjamin seems to have some ongoing identity into New Testament times as Paul proclaims that he i...