Good morning saints,
We are the "called out ones". I hope that today's devotional will increase our understanding of how important purity if to God.
Let us meditate on the refining of silver.
Wikipedia article
One ancient process for extracting the silver from lead was cupellation. Lead was melted in a bone ash 'test' or 'cupel' and air blown across the surface. This oxidised the lead to litharge, and also oxidised other base metals present, the silver (and gold if present) remaining unoxidised.[1]
Naturally occurring lead ore always had some amount of silver. They had to get rid of allot of lead to get the pure silver. Even the ancients recognized need to eliminate this dross.
However, Ezekiel is given to understand that Israel has intentionally contaminated pure silver. This is not refining lead ore that has some silver in it, it is removing impurities which were intentionally added.
So why would they do this?
I think there are several answers.
1) they were trying to pass themselves off as pure silver. They thought no one would notice
2) they did not understand God's holiness and hatred for impurity.
3) they didn't understand that spiritual impurity was a greater danger than impure precious metals.
While God pours out his wrath, this is a gracious act. He refuses to let his people become impure. He does not destroy the silver, He purifies it. As God's people, we must be after purity in all things. Cutting corners doesn't work.
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