Dear saints in the Lord,
Congratulations! You made it. We have been through much turmoil in the last year ('20-'21). But God is faithful to His promises. I trust that you have been blessed in your reading and have drawn closer to God.
Since we didn't get the blog up and running at the beginning of the challenge, I am going to go back and post entries to cover that first month or so.
Nothing accursed in the city of God, the new Jerusalem. The presence of sin will be gone. I am working on memorizing Westminster Shorter Catechism and currently on question 82. Is any man able perfectly to keep the commandments of God? No mere man since the fall is able in this life perfectly to keep the commandments of God but does daily break them in thought, word and deed.
I think our passage today points to the truth of this question. Do you notice how this answer is not exactly the same as the question. "Any man" becomes "no mere man since the fall". Only the sinless second Adam is not a "mere man". And then there is the qualifier "in this life". Redeemed man in the next life is able to perfectly keep commandments. Finally, in the new Jerusalem, there is the never ending day where we do not break the commandments in thought word and deed.
And I almost forgot about the fulfillment of the Genesis 3:15 promise. Satan did bruise Christ's heel on the cross and Satan was defeated. The guilt for sin was paid for and the rule and the reign of sin in the life of believers was broken. But the presence of sin remained. Until Revelation 22.
Even so, Lord come.
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