Dear fellow exiles and strangers,
I am confronted again with the example of David in prayer. While it is good to ask others to pray for us, this psalm drives me to the realization that he cries out to God for himself. David doesn't have a "prayer chain" to call upon. He cries out to the Lord.
The current events in the world of sports seem to pale in comparison to David's situation. A top female tennis player refuses to talk to the press after a match because she suffers from depression. Making a statement by not making a statement.
David has been driven to the ends of the earth presumably by Absalom. Calvin points out that to be absent from Jerusalem and the tabernacle put one at the ends of the earth even thought it may have only been a hundred miles. To be a king on the run seems to be more distressing that questions from the press after a tennis match.
David knew God as his refuge and a strong tower against his enemies, but now needs to be led to the rock that is higher than he. He is in deep distress even thought he knows God is his security. For those who have never known God in this way, the depression of not meeting others expectations must be oppressive. Yet He invites them to call on Him to rescue their souls.
As believers, we do not need to cover up our disappointments and distress. Through David, God gives us words to express the entire range of human emotion
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