Good afternoon faithful readers, The last day of 2020. I think most of us have been surprised by the events of 2020. But God has not been caught off guard. He who keeps Israel neither slumber nor sleeps. May we grow in trust in the coming year. Blessings Jeff A question arises about how clean laws affect Passover observance. These laws had not been given while they were in Egypt. Moses does not issue his opinion, but waits to hear from the Lord. God says that not only do clean laws not apply, whoever fails to keep the Passover will be cut off. He also extends observance to sojourner within the camp. Why does this make sense? The Passover lamb is not a sacrifice at the tabernacle. It is a family by family remembrance of deliverance from Egypt. If any firstborn son went outside on that night, they would have died. Being covered by the blood of the lamb was what saved them regardless of ceremonial status. The annual re...