Last catch up for today.
The same process for ordaining the high priest is used in the cleansing of a leper. Applying blood of sacrifice to right ear, thumb and big toe. In addition, oil was applied at the same places. The purpose was restoration to the public worship of God. Other types of being unclean were dealt with by washing and were limited duration. However, lepers were excluded from the camp and therefore participation in worship at the tabernacle.
What is difference between moral and ceremonial uncleaness? The leper was not guilty of a particular sin. The diseases described here are not signs of moral failure or punishment for sin. Although by New Testament times, the perception that physical disability was a result of sin (the man born blind) seems to have crept in.
When moral failure is involved, sacrifice is applied in a certain way. When disease or disfigurement is involved sacrifice is applied in a different way. But most importantly, the sacrifice of Christ is all sufficient and is applied to all sinners in the same way. At the foot of the cross, sinners are all equal regardless of "degree" of sin. Thanks be to God.
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