Good morning friends, As Hebrews 1 tells us, in the past, God spoke at many times and many ways. Daniel is certainly a prime example. He had visions of future events and here he has an angelic visitation where the angel gives a verbal description of the future. But Daniel knew that he was receiving revelation from God and faithfully recorded what he heard. Blessings, Jeff This is one of those times when chapters can make it harder to understand what is going on. Daniel has two visions, one under Belshazzar (chapter 9) and the under Cyrus (Chapter 10 and 11) who would start the return of the exiles to Judah. However chapter 11 starts by talking about Darius who was king before Cyrus. Also, trying to keep the cast of characters straight. The "me" refers to "the man dressed in linen" from 10:5. It would be easy to think it meant Daniel as he is the human author or archangel Michael as he is the last named being in previous verse. But ne...