Good Sabbath day to you,
Enjoying a quiet Father's Day in Madison after listening to Jonathan's sermon of freedom. Saying "Yes" to God's design and "No" to the desires of the flesh is true freedom. But it is a daily battle. Spending the whole time in the public and private exercises of God's worship (WSC question 60) is my "Yes" for this day.
I have wondered how it is that God appeared to Solomon while he was sacrificing at a "great high place." And after his marriage alliance with Pharaoh. His first acts are contrary with God's revealed will.
But after the dream, Solomon sacrifices before the ark in the tabernacle. Yet he does not reconsider marriage alliance and continues on to have many foreign wives and concubines.
I listened to another Martyn Lloyd Jones sermon on Romans 8. In an overview of Paul's method, he points our that Paul always lays out theology and then addresses practical application. Bottom line is that without good theology, good practice is impossible. But good theology that is not put into practice is of no real value. Putting to death the deeds of the body is a continuous on going battle, not a once and done event. I think that is what is going on here with Solomon. God gives him wisdom but he does not always put it into practice. Sanctification is what we do by the power of the Spirit to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling.
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