Good morning friends,
We are not told much about the circumstances of this psalm that would result in such deep distress. Yet the light of faith is evident. I hope these thoughts encourage you on your walk today.
Psalms such as this force me to ponder, Why would anyone write such a song if he did not believe that God would hear his prayer and give him relief in some way?
In preparation for upcoming sermon on 6th petition (lead us not into temptation...), I have been reading Calvin's chapter on prayer in the Institutes. Section 13 God’s command and promise as motive for prayer. Not only are we commanded to pray, we are given the promise that God hears and will answer. It seems to me, that the psalmist, Heman the Ezrahite, knew this deep in his soul.
All the world has to offer is "The seven stages of grief". Of course, to the promise to hear and answer is only to those who believe that the God who gave the promise actually exists. The world denies God's existence, so the seven stages are the cheap imitation for prayer.
Dear friend, if you are in the place of Heman, know that these are not just soothing words to make you feel better. God is real, He commands us to pray even in the darkest times and He promises to answer. He wants us to be able to pour out our hearts before Him.
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