Good morning those whom I love in truth
Just as we have the "minor prophets" in the OT, we have these short letters at the end of the NT. But there is nothing minor in what they have to say.
Just wondering how a letter like this gets delivered? Certainly not like modern mail. The elect lady is pretty vague. Seems like the courier would have to have specific verbal directions and provide additional personal news.
Thinking about how letter writing has gone out of style. Cell phone makes a letter obsolete. I remember getting my parents getting letters from relatives in New York and California. As a little kid, I thought it was pretty special to get a multi-page letter from so far away. Now we just text.
How much more significant are the letters recorded in the Bible. We get to listen in on a one way conversation to someone who was very important to apostle John. So close that names are not necessary.
We get to see what was important in their relationship: the communion of the saints as the Apostles Creed states. John writes on behalf of all who know the truth (who may not even know the recipients) to a church that is very dear to him and all the believers who have come from that church (elect lady and her children) who probably don't know the others who know the truth.
Paul starts his letters with "Grace to you... John starts with "grace, mercy and peace will be with us" John has often been called the apostle of love. Perhaps this is just his personality coming out.
Am I so concerned about the true basis for communion of the saints as John was. There is nothing wrong with our common interests (Apple Festival, Social Committee activities, etc) but they are not the true basis. Am I as concerned about encouraging others to know the truth as I am about making pies?
What other group of believers am I so close to that I don't need to use names?
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