Dear Friends,
After writing this devotional, I was thinking about understanding our place in history. Josiah knew that the end was in sight because God told him through a prophetess. Many of the major events in history are portrayed as a complete surprise. But there are people who understand the times and can figure out what is coming down the road. Churchill knew that Germany was going to war before the shooting started. But no one would listen. I think God calls the Church to be faithful regardless of what is happening in the world.
The last good king of Judah. Even though God has decreed exile, Josiah still carries out major reforms. But judgment will come after Josiah has died.
What does this teach us? Some thoughts:
Impending judgment is never a reason to stop following God. It would be easy to take the "eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die" perspective. What we do is not going to make a difference anyway. But Josiah wants his reign to be remembered for the good he did, not that he gave up.
Doing the right thing is never wrong.
Base reformation on scripture, not on the popular trends of the day. While decline was going to follow, the only solid ground to build on is scripture. The only way to have long term revival is gospel centered, not man centered.
That being said, strong leadership matters. A grass roots revival may not be effective. A determined young man (Josiah was late teens at this point) is capable of great things. Charles Spurgeon was early 20's when he became the pastor of a large church. Age doesn't necessarily exclude young leaders.
Bring other people along. A revival affects everybody, not just the leadership.
Revival is possible at anytime. Judah had just had their worst king and then his son. Things look very bleak and nobody realizes it. Josiah comes along at 8 years old and immediately starts turning things around.
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