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Ezekiel 16:15 - Choosing curse over blessing - Day 256

Dear sojourners,

As I think about an upcoming sermon on "lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil", this passage tells me why trusting in my ability to overcome temptation is such a dangerous thing.  When I trust in myself, I have forgotten the days of my youth, before God saved me.  I was confident in my own good works which were really filthy rags.  I was unable to save myself, why should I think that I am able to sanctify myself?

I pray that this devotion will shock you as it did me.



Another vivid portrayal of Judah's deplorable spiritual condition.  All the holy items designed for worship in the tabernacle and then in the temple have become the provocative dress of a prostitute.

my gold and silver - all the items in the temple made of gold and silver have been made into images of men

my bread - the shew bread, the bread of the presence that only the priests could eat is given to foreigners

your garments - the garments of the Levites and priests were made into colorful shrines

your sons and daughters - the fulfillment of command to be fruitful and multiply have been sacrificed.

The psalms mourn over the desecration of the temple when the Babylonians come in.  Yet this is really preceded by desecration over the years by the Jews themselves. 

All this because they did not remember the days of their youth when they were naked and bare.  They forgot that being God's people required obedience and faithfulness.  They thought that they could do anything they wanted because God had called them.  Remember, covenant comes with promise of blessing for obedience and curses for disobedience. 


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