Dear bond slaves of Christ,
I am so thankful for stories such as this that give us examples of relationships based on grace. And at the same time, that actions and words must be in alignment. Reminded of Jesus warning that not everyone who says Lord, Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven.
The rest of the story.
Mephibosheth is exonerated not so much because of his words but his actions. While Absalom was in power, Mephibosheth did not seek to gain his favor. The signs of mourning for David must have been an offense to Absalom. If he had defeated David, Mephibosheth would probably have paid the price for loyalty to David.
Mephibosheth response to grace.
He recognizes that he has not rights before the king. House of Saul was doomed to death but you set your servant among those who eat at your table. A picture of the blessings of Christ. Condemned sinners are made pure by the blood of the Lamb and are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb. Not because of works done in righteousness.
His submission to the will of the king. Do to me whatever seems good to you. Submission for saving physical life should pale in comparison to submission for new spiritual life.
Let us consider how precious is our relationship with Jesus. Would I go about disheveled to show my loyalty to Jesus?
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