Dear friends,
As I wrote this, I was convicted about how in these modern times when it is so easy to stay in contact with friends past and present, that I don't typically do this. Paul and Titus are great examples of devotion to each other and to the body of Christ.
Seems that Paul has this habit of interrupting himself. Here, he is resuming the narrative he left in 2:13. Four chapters of precious doctrine plopped down in the middle of the story of trip to Macedonia.
Can't overlook the deep personal concern he has for the church in Corinth. It is hard to imagine the physical exhaustion from travel and emotional exhaustion from concern about believers in Corinth. The long awaited arrival of Titus provides comfort in the report of their response to Paul's first letter to them. It is also amazing to me how Titus managed to track Paul down. It isn't like he could leave him a text message to find our where he was.
I would like to think that these devotionals indicate to those who read them in the future that I truly desire Salem church to be a Bible reading group of believers. As the years go by, I hope to read comments made long after these thoughts were originally written and be encouraged by continued faithfulness to the cross of Christ.
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