I think I have mentioned that in ancient Israel, people's names meant something. Today's story of Nabal is a great example. Nabal means fool. So why would his parents give him that name? Reminds me of Johnny Cash song "A boy named Sue". Instead of "Now Jack eat your peas and carrots", it is "fool eat your peas and carrots." Talk about emotional scars.
We see the man who's name is fool acting foolishly. But think about the situation from Nabal's perspective. The last person to help David was Ahimelech the priest. Saul executed him and all but one of his sons. So from that perspective, it made all the sense in the world to reject David's request for provisions. Yet, decisions in "no win situations" require discernment. Is it better to throw in with the person God has chosen to the next king or the person God has rejected from being king? The person who has slain ten thousands or the person who has slain thousands?
Granted, we don't find ourselves in these situations very often, but we need discernment in every circumstance.
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