Dear pilgrims in a barren land,
Finally got this devotional done. The nice thing about electronic is they are easy to edit. The bad thing is that they are easily deleted. Had to type this a couple of times.
One of the things Jonathan emphasized this week is that the Bible is not about us. We are prone to ask "Where am I in this story?" I have heard Sinclair Ferguson say "You aren't in this story". The first thing we need to do is see Jesus and how he is better than the people in the story.
"Do not come near (the ark), in order that you may know the way you shall go, for you have not passed this way before.” Obviously, no one had been over the Jordan and into Canaan. However, those who were under 20 at the time of Red Sea crossing had experienced going through the water. What was different this time?
Moses was no longer with them. He had used his staff as the instrument of parting the Red Sea, Now it was the ark of the covenant carried by Levites.
They were escaping from Egypt at the Red Sea. Now they were going into the Promised Land to conquer.
The ark had been in the middle of the order of march while they were in the wilderness. 6 tribes were in front and 6 tribes were behind. Now the ark is to lead the way.
The Levitical priesthood did not exist at the Red Sea.
How does this episode point to Jesus?
The better Joshua -
Joshua was a skilled physical warrior who knew ultimate victory was due to presence of God. Jesus never picked up a sword or led an army into battle.
Joshua defeated the various Canaanite peoples. Jesus defeated Satan, death and sin.
The better ark and mercy seat
The mercy seat was where God was present in cloud and fire. The Son took on flesh and dwelt among us. The fullness of deity dwelt in the human nature of Jesus.
Israel was prohibited from getting too close to the ark. Jesus comes near and dwells in us by the Holy Spirit.
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