Secrecy as a cover for wicked intent. Herod's murderous plot required secrecy on a human level.
The wise men were only warned not to return to Herod after they had completed their task. They were not warned about what Herod would do with the information they willingly provided. They had no way of knowing Herod's intent when they gave the information.Likewise, the scribes who provided the location not knowing Herod's intent. They just provided truthful answer to a question. Herod then excluded them from further conversation with the wise men.
Herod's original intent was only to kill the infant Jesus. Once this plan was thwarted, he had no moral qualms about expanding to all boys under the age of 2.
Herod's plot to maintain power was God's plan to fulfill prophecy regarding the Messiah. While Herod was keeping the plot secret from other people, he could not keep it secret from God. In deed, Herod was unknowingly carrying out God's sovereign plan of salvation.
Instruction - What does God expect of me? - Attempting to hide thoughts or deeds from God never works. He is the righteous judge. In the same way, attempting to deceive our fellow man by "making evil good and good evil" will not ultimately work either. One such thing is gambling industry. The state says gambling is good because the state can raise revenue through such things as lotteries. There is no moral justification, only economic. All state sponsored gambling is a tax on the poor.
thanksgiving - You are the God who knows the secrets of the heart. Nothing man does is hidden from You. Herod may have escaped human justice for slaughtering the little boys of Bethlehem, but he did not escape Your justice.
Confession - Lack of discernment in social issues of the day. Willing to accept new definitions of good and evil based on public opinion.
Supplication - Open, honest, transparent words and actions within Christian community as a clear statement of truth to a world that is twisted and crooked.
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