Good afternoon brothers and sisters,
Calvin's Institutes - Six Reasons why prayer is not superfluous - First that our hearts may be fired with a zealous and burning desire ever to seek, love and serve him, while we become accustomed in every need to flee to him as to a sacred anchor.
Why do people get so upset when Christians say Jesus is the only way to God? It seems that this just shows how little people know about the Bible. In this chapter, the LORD (YHWH) declares that He is Israel's only Savior. Of course the only living God claims this exclusive relationship to His creation. The Bible is all about an exclusive relationship between God and His chosen people (the elect). If the God of the Bible wanted "many ways to find Hiim," He would have stated this and made it clear what those "many ways" were. People who say the "believe in God" but also say there are many ways to him are irrational. It just doesn't make sense that the God who created everything wouldn't care if his creatures decided to worship something other than Him. Of course He cares. He cares so much that He reveals the plan of salvation so that all may know.
Just look at the number of "I" statements. God is the subject, the person who acts, in all of Scripture. Creation is the object, the thing that is acted upon. The only time creatures are the subject is when they act in response to God. The universe does not create itself.
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