Dear Friends,
We are people of the Book. As Jonathan mentioned in his intro to last section of John 4, we stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before us. It is not that great minds of the past are perfect. But when we face difficult passages, seeing what others have thought is a blessing. Does what they said make sense of the passage? Trying to make prophetic apply to a current condition is generally not a good idea.
The proposed theme for this chapter in the ESV is "O Lord, be gracious to us"
Assyrian king Sennacherib is on Judah's door step. From human perspective, this looks like the end for Judah and Jerusalem.
Calvin points out that v13 is a "wake up, pay attention, this is really important". In a way, everything is significant. Yet we believers sometimes get distracted and forget that God is actively involved in sustaining of all creation. We can think that he doesn't notice the challenges we face. Much more, the unbeliever who goes through life blissfully unaware of God. So occasionally, we all need this wake up call.
Calvin on v14 "Hence Isaiah, with good reason, kindles into rage against them;for, when he employs the word Zion, he undoubtedly reproves the degenerate Jews, because, when they were covered with the shadow of the sanctuary, they thought that they were in possession of a fortress which could not be stormed; and undoubtedly, as I remarked a little before, the haughtiest and proudest of all men are they who shelter themselves under the name of God, and glory in the title of the Church".
Who shall stand between us and the consuming fire of God's presence?
It is not military might or political power that allows us to stand before God, but righteousness. Ultimately, the Messiah (the God-man)is the one who can stand between God and man. He is the only mediator.
So the answer to the plea "O Lord, be gracious to us" is at least partially to wake up, see our perilous condition, repent and turn to the Savior. Only then can we put into practice the righteousness that we have in Him.
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