Good afternoon fellow pilgrims,
Listened to an Alister Begg sermon on "Belonging". The need for believers to be members of a local (visible) church as a reflection of their membership in the (invisible) Church. As I came to end of this devotion, the corporate nature of obedience came to mind. Being a Christian is an individual decision, but not a solitary process.
Blessing for obedience, curse for disobedience. No middle ground. One or the other. Clearly explained so as to remove all possible excuses. The two mountains in Canaan to stand as a physical reminder. How does this advance the promise of Genesis 3:15?
Several thoughts:
1. Objective reality must rule the decisions of Israel and by extension the Church. The objective reality of God's self revelation and establishing criteria for blessing and cursing. God's people live according to truth regardless of the worldview of other cultures. Ancient Israel lived in a idolatrous, pagan world. The truth of books of Moses still applied and was supposed to set them apart from all these cultures. We are said to live in a "post-modern" world. The truth of Scripture still applies and sets us apart for this worldview. Post-modern man may deny objective reality in any number of ways. We do not have the option of trying to fit truth of Scripture into the mold of that worldview..
2. While the blessing cursing criteria was given to Israel, the entire world is confronted with this truth. Clinging to the traditions and teachings of any other worldview in the face of the light of Scripture is ultimately disobedience and leads to God's cursing. Love of Christ compels us to warn others about the end result of their worldview and present the light of the gospel and the blessing that it offers.
3. Every day is a decision. The Bible study on wisdom of Solomon for both men and women has asked "Why or how did Solomon fall away?" He started off so well and finished so poorly. Wisdom is not a one time decision. Every day a new challenge comes our way and we either obey or disobey. We can encourage each other to obey. This is not a solitary process.
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