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Hebrews 10:8 Speechless Day 125

Good evening Friends,

Another weekend catchup.  I once heard a comment (think it was Martyn Lloyd-Jones aka "The Doctor") responding to a question about how he could spend so much time preaching on Romans.  He preached an hour on Friday nights between 1955 and 1968.  His view was Paul was just scratching the surface.  The Doctor didn't feel that he was taking too long, but not long enough.  I got this feeling about Hebrews 10.  It is so important that I can't begin to say how shocking this is.  May I never think that I have it all figured out..



What else can be said?  When the Son has a conversation with the Father using Psalm 40 as a basis,  no interpretation is needed.  When we are given the key to understanding sacrificial system in the Old Testament, all we can do is accept it and apply it.

Sometimes I wonder how the first recipients of the letters responded.  Hebrews in particular.  While this passage addresses the sacrificial system, the argument seems to apply to ceremonial i.e.. circumcision as well. The Judaizers that Paul condemns in Galatians would not have a leg to stand on.  

This must have really shocked the Jewish converts.  Knowing the Psalms so well only to have the "real meaning" explained centuries later.  We Gentiles don't have the religious culture to overco


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