Hello to all ye Merry Gentlemen (and women)
Did I mention that I enjoy classical music? If you have never listened to Handel's Messiah, you really need to do so. I was listening to Christmas portion on WMNR earlier today as I was writing the devotion. I have a CD if you want to borrow it.
Many are the afflictions of the righteous BUT the LORD delivers him out of them all. He is with us in our afflictions.
On the other hand, Afflictions will slay the wicked.
Afflictions come to the righteous and the wicked. The difference is in the outcome. The LORD delivers the righteous. The wicked who hate the righteous are condemned.
Surely David was thinking of himself as the righteous and Saul as the wicked in this passage. God had delivered David out of many trials and he was confident that ultimately he would replace Saul as king.
Yet the greater Son of David is the one who is truly righteous. His affliction on the cross appears to have slain Him. What do we say to this? Did David face an affliction that dealt with broken bones? As you may remember, the victims of crucifixton struggled to breathe and would push against the nails in their feet to allow a breath. This is why the soldiers were sent to break the legs of Jesus and the thieves. But Jesus was already dead, so his legs were not broken. Also the bones of the Passover lamb could not be broken.
So the implicit question is How do I get from the "wicked hater of the righteous" side of the fence to the "righteous" side? David paints a picture of one or the other, no middle ground. Earlier he speaks of teaching people the fear of the Lord. So he recognized that one is not born "fearing the Lord". The gospel gives the answer. God created, Adam sinned and all men with him, so we need a savior, The Son of God came into the world to die on the cross in payment for our sin and satisfy the wrath of God, The Spirit regenerates the elect and they respond in faith and are saved. Have you experienced this great exchange? I appeal to you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.
Please leave a comment if you have responded to God's call on your life.
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