Good afternoon friends,
Hope you enjoyed the sunny afternoon on this Dec 1. May you be encouraged as much by Leviticus as by Proverbs, Psalms and Colossians. The value of reading through the Bible is to gain perspective. Just reading bits and pieces that you happen to like leaves out the nuances that show up as you become familiar with the whole.
Feel free to leave a comment or question. It is encouraging to me to know that you are keeping up with the plan.
The actions that bring guilt and the offering to make atonement are woven together. This particular action is a thread of the 9th commandment. Bearing false witness is prohibited, but here if a person has knowledge of a matter, he is required to give accurate testimony when called on to do so. In other words, saying nothing is not compliance with the 9th. Do not give false witness, but must give true witness.
Isn't interesting how God weaves the law through these passages. Something like the veil between holy and holy of holies. 31 “And you shall make a veil of blue and purple and scarlet yarns and fine twined linen. It shall be made with cherubim skillfully worked into it. Exodus 26:31. The cloth is the background for the cherubim. Can't separate the veil into its pieces. The law is one whole. Can't select favorite thread and make it most important. There is the 9th commandment stated over there, but over here is an embellishment that can't be missed. And it is all part of the whole.
Instruction - What does God expect of me? Don't try to fully understand the law by looking at each part in isolation from all the others. As the cherubim were skillfully worked into the veil, so the image of the Lawgiver is skillfully worked into the law that He gives. Same applies to gospel. Without the incarnation, there is no gospel. But the incarnation isn't the entire gospel.
Thanksgiving - The Author of every inspired word in just the right place. The beauty in the veil was there for everyone to see, but only the eyes of faith see the meaning behind the material. Awe struck wonder of the majesty of the One who created each intricate detail as a part of the whole.
Confession - Becoming enamored with a thread in the tapestry and not looking at the whole.
Petition - the saints would be overwhelmed by the riches of the glory of your grace. Meditate on your law day and night and then never fully comprehend the depth, width, height and length of your steadfast love.
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