Dearest saints,
Just some thoughts about the relationship between trust and the Sabbath.
Resting from labor takes trust. Every 7 days was a day to trust the LORD to provide. During the journey to promised land, this shouldn't have been too difficult as God was supplying manna on a daily basis with twice as much on the sixth day. God seems to be asking "Will you trust me for one day a week since I supply your food every day?" Maybe the goal was to develop the habit and then just carry over into the Promised Land. But then God adds another trust challenge. Every 7 years for a whole year. Interesting that He tells them about this before they leave Sinai.
The thread of the fourth command reappears with additional implications.
Spent some time thinking about trust. Does it build a relationship or is it a result of relationship? Do I trust someone because they have shown themselves to be trustworthy? Or do I trust someone to find out if they are trustworthy? It really is the foundation for interpersonal relationships.
So trusting God is only possible if he is personal. If God is just an idea or a force, I cannot have a relationship with Him. Brings me back to" Our Father who is in heaven" He is spirit but he is personal. So I can have a relationship with Him. One of the aspects of this relationship is growing in my trust toward Him.
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