Can I get an Amen to Jonathan's sermon this morning? (Originally written on 10/4/20) Regeneration. All grace, we contribute nothing. Faith is response to being made alive in Christ by the Holy Spirit.
I usually have several verses as a theme. But Romans is one of those books where a single verse is enough. I have been listening to Martin Lloyd Jones "famous series" on Romans. Friday night sermon for about 13 years. Currently in this chapter. I listen on the RefNet app at 6:30 AM and 7:00 P.M. Every Sunday. Check it out.
We were born spiritually dead. Our old nature was "in Adam". The new nature we are given at regeneration is "in Christ" so that we are alive spiritually. Union with Christ is our position. We are done forever with that old nature. It has been crucified, dead and buried. Sin is no longer our master. This is not sinless perfection. We can and do commit acts of sin, but we are not ruled by it. The "body of sin" is our flesh that can now be brought to nothing (rendered more and more powerless).
The point is Theology matters. God calls us to know Him better every day. Reading the Bible everyday is a means of grace we ignore at our peril. Keep going, you can do it through the Spirit who dwells in you,
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