Dear brothers and sisters,
I am again overwhelmed by the steadfast love of the Lord in revealing Himself in the seemingly inconsequential decisions of life. I pray that what I have written makes sense and leads you into His presence.
Format is Luther's four strands.
Instruction - Started by thinking about why God brought about the move of Israel to Egypt. What does this teach me about the LORD and my duty to Him?
Calvin quote for Prayer chapter in Institutes. "Let us therefore realize that the only persons who duly and properly gird themselves to pray are those who are so moved by God’s majesty that, freed from earthly cares and affections, they come to prayer”.
What is there about this passage that displays God's majesty and so moves me to prayer? Answer: The unsearchable ways of God.
God sends Israel to Egypt so that Hosea would later describe the Exodus in Hosea 11:1.
When Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt I called my son.
Hosea sees this as history.
But then Matthew 2:15 claims this is a prophecy about Jesus. Having been taken to Egypt to escape Herod, the child Jesus is then brought back to Judea when Herod has died. Matthew is inspired to see this not as history, but as a prophecy.
God is at center stage at all times. People acting by own free will to accomplish God's purposes.
Thanksgiving - You are still at center stage. You are still on the throne. You are worthy of honor, and wisdom and might.
Confession - In these confusing time, I question Your rule and reign. Being anxious about the outcome of political process as if You don't really understand.
Petition - Bring us to our knees. Let us cast all our cares upon You. Demonstrate peace in a world of turmoil.
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