Good morning fellow "living stones"
I address you as living stones because Ephesians 2:21-22 says built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, 21 in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. 22 In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.
A note on how I selected passages for the daily devotional. Because the plan takes us through the New Testament twice in the year, I tried to balance the overall number form each testament. So we will see a New Testament passage every 8 days instead of every 4. This helps our knowledge and appreciation of the OT.
Today we see that there was external resistance to rebuilding the temple after the exile.
Reminded of danger of "where am I in this story?" Method of Bible reading and study. When Luther starts meditation with instruction, it is not in the sense of learning about me or what I should do but what does passage teach about God. "Thoughts and feelings converge on God". Sinclair Ferguson spoke on this at a conference.
Instruction - what does this passage say about God's sovereignty? Why would a good God let a king of Persia stop the rebuilding of the temple? Asking the question implies that either God is not really good or not really sovereign. But if course, He is really both. While it appears that people were happy to start 2 years after arrival and properly denied non-Jews from participating, adversity tests their faith. God knows the heart and seeks to drive out any impurity. He has already demonstrated using Assyrians and Babylonians to judge Israel and Judah. Be holy for the Lord your God is holy.
Thanksgivng - Not letting impure hearts and hands build the second temple. A repeated lesson that is played out to this day. How many man centered ministries have and will crumble before we stop. Sowing to the flesh can only produce corruption.
Confession - disregard for Your ways and word. Regarding every one according to the flesh, external appearance, moral actions. What matters is the new creation. Looking at gospel as what we tell others to get them saved. We don't preach it to ourselves. My desire to be valued by others despite self centered thought, word and deed. Exposing my hidden faults.
Our Father - holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty. A consuming fire that purifies the lives of Your children.
Hallowed - in planning fund raiser, remove "good opinion of townsfolk" as a motivation. We can only seek to glorify You which is an offense to the world.
Kingdom & will. - conformed to the image of Jesus. The clearly stated purpose for life. Whatever leaves the mark of Christ in our lives. Convert townspeople so that they would enter and submit to the King. Give us the lost and not their money.
Daily Bread. - the things You know we need to live physically. But make us hate what we ask that we might spend it on our lustful flesh and eyes. The return to school process so children can safely be indoctrinated into the ways of the world.
Forgive - let us always see the immeasurable debt to You when we are offended by others.
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