Reminder MLJ is Martyn Lloyd Jones.
Instruction - Heroes of faith with feet of clay is such an encouragement. And feet of clay is not because they lived before the incarnation. It is twisting scripture to say that believers after first advent can achieve sinless perfection. As MLJ insists old personality in Adam is dead but the flesh, the body of sin, sin that dwells in our members still affects us. Yes the spirit indwells us in a different way, but presence of sin is not eliminated. Restoration in the spirit of gentleness is required because any one can be caught in trespass.
Thanksgiving - life is better because Jesus physically ascended so that the Holy Spirit could be sent.
Confessional - quenching the Spirit. Pouring water on the purifying fire. Doesn't put the fire out, the Spirit is always present, but consequence for not listening. Being offended by other's perceived snubs. The root of pride of life runs deep.
Our Father - only You are eternally righteous and immutable. All Your actions are without malice. Completely different holy than creation and creatures. Only because of You can society see flaws and act to correct.
Kingdom and will - realization of what is true in heaven places. making the putting of all things under the feet of Christ and giving Him as the head over all things to the Church. Restrain those who reject Your kingdom and will. Your solution to racial division is "one new man".
Daily bread - contentment with just enough within the body of Christ. Restrain those who seek financial equality without regard to the foot of the cross.
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