Good afternoon friends,
Spent part of the afternoon trying to reclaim some parts of the yard from the small curse of thorns and thistles. I am always amazed at how hard farm work must have been without the machinery we have today. I can't get a couple of tomato plants to grow and they could get 80 acres to produce with just animals. It is amazing the man has made it this far. But it is still dust to dust.
God's curse of Adam.
The judgment on serpent and Adam includes the offense. "because you ...". Eve' s judgment does not include the offense.
God commanded Adam before He made Eve. He is accountable for teaching Eve about the commandment and ensuring her compliance.
The first command was be fruitful and multiply. Remains in place but now creation will resist. All that was to be a joy is now a constant struggle.
Instruct - the beauty of nature marred by Adam's disobedience. But redemption is possible. The Fall is interpreted through Romans 6. Only by understanding "In Adam" can I understand being "in Christ". Every aspect of physical and spiritual life is marred in Adam. For those in Christ, the broken relationship with God is mended now. And one day, the physical will also be mended.
Thanksgiving - the covenant of grace with Christ already in place when Adam broke the covenant of works. Creating Adam in Your image but not with Your nature. He was human and mutable. You are Devine and immutable.
Confession - not counting myself as dead to the world. Denying realty that world has been crucified to me and I to the world. Flesh loves to deny reality. Flesh in incapable of pleasing You.
Our Father - the relationship that was broken in the garden restored on the Cross. Satisfied with the Son's prefect sacrifice on my behalf and each believer.
Hallowed - we would honor You in thought, word and deed this day. The Spirit speaking through the Word to remind me and all believers do all things for Your glory. Restrain Those still in Adam from harming the saints.
Kingdom - joyfully serve Christ our exalted head. The duties of elder preformed to advance the Kingdom.
Daily Bread - women's study looking at Esther. Finishing for the summer. Hunger for You.
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