Good afternoon friends,
Hope you had a good Sabbath rest today. It is hard to add anything to what Jonathan has said in his sermons in John. The healing of this man born blind is the back drop for 2 chapters. Really can't minimize its importance.
The man born blind seems to catch the Pharisees in a denial of reality. The Pharisees did know where Jesus was from. The gospels are full of accounts of Pharisees following him around. They knew enough about Jesus to threaten anyone who confessed that he was the Christ to be put out of the synagogue. Seems like they didn't want to admit the he had been born in Bethlehem. They knew that God had spoken to Moses but apparently forgot that Moses said 15 “The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your brothers—it is to him you shall listen— Deuteronomy 18:15
Isn't it interesting that this man is not named and neither he nor Pharisees name Jesus as the person who healed him. He may have heard the discussion between Jesus and disciples, but his experience was a man came up to him, put mud on his eyes and told him to go and wash. Jesus doesn't identify himself to the man. No one tells him that Jesus is here and he should ask to be healed. Only afterwards does Jesus reveal himself to the man. He testified to what this man had done for him without knowing his name. The Pharisees know his name but refuse to use it.
Am I as sold out for Jesus as the blind man was? After all, He raised me from the dead spiritually. He can do the same for anybody.
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