As you will see, almost a continuation of the one from earlier today.
I thought of today's passage as a parallel with yesterday"s passage. David was willing to take in men who were ethnic and social outsiders like the Cherethites. Today, Nathanael is certain that nothing good can come from Galilee at the cost of rejecting Jesus. But then Jesus takes in this man who has made himself an outsider. Nathanael shows that he is mistaken and he repents.
Another similarity that might be a bit of a stretch. David surrounded himself with a physical bodyguard to protect him. Jesus (the better David) surrounds himself with disciples to protect them.
When I chose these two passages about two weeks ago, I had not really thought about them being similar in any way. Writing the devotional on the same day brought things out that I had not thought of before. Just another example of what I like about the MCheyne reading plan. Linkage between OT and NT passages.
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