One more for today and again related to Jonathan's sermon of 7/11/21.
The wonder of God's word. Says the same thing over and over in different ways. In regards to suffering, some times it is a passage like John 9 with a concrete example. But this passage also gives the same answer from a poet's point of view.
Psalmist has experienced affliction even though he knows God's rules are righteous and that He is faithful. Confronts the reality of suffering.
Comfort comes from God's steadfast love. God has revealed his holiness but also steadfast love. The affliction is not a covering for sin, that is through Christ alone. As with the man born blind, the psalmist's affliction is so that God's work may be displayed in him.
God is a covenantal God. He makes promises that His people can rely upon. The only way for people to know of this attribute is through God's self revelation in scripture. This is not a baseless wish that an impersonal force would somehow comfort him and show mercy to him.
Your law is psalmist's delight. Not the external circumstances of life. The law summarized in loving God with heart, soul, mind and strength and neighbor as our self and demonstrated in life of Christ is to be our delight, not size of bank account, house, etc.
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