Good morning fellow saints in the Lord,
If the Lord wills, we will live and in two weeks from today we will be heading back to Connecticut. We have enjoyed our time here, but have missed all of you back in Salem. Today's passage is short, but filled with challenges.
Paul conducted his ministry in such a way that the people he discipled were walking in a manner worthy of God. This is another "remember what you should never forget" passages.
repetition for emphasis - he exhorted, encouraged and charged each one to walk... There can be no doubt in their minds as to what Paul thought was important. He did these things when he was with them and then wrote them down in the letter to remind them of what he had said. I can just imagine that every conversation he had with each person involved some discussion about their walk. Not much room for the weather, sports or other trivialities.
the "oh by the way" about God - who calls you into his own kingdom and glory. While he spends most of the time on how he ministered, don't forget that it is God who calls, not Paul. It is God's kingdom and glory that matter.
repetition for emphasis part 2 - holy, righteous and blameless conduct toward believers. In Philippians, he reminds them to imitate him. Requires the model by the overseer and observation by the disciple.
How am I conducting ministry as an elder?
What is the focus of ministry at TCCS?
There are many books and theories about how to have a successful ministry that use modern management techniques. I am thinking that doing it Paul's way is probably best.
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