Good evening friends,
I Cor 15 is one of the chapters that make sense out of all the other events. We really need to have our minds transformed by the truth of this chapter. I hope this short devotional encourages you to spend time pondering what God breathed out for Paul to tell us.
It is really hard to understand how the theory that Jesus really didn't die and therefore the resurrection didn't occur either got started. Without the death and resurrection, Christianity cannot be true.
You are probably tired of my references to Genesis 3:15 as the start of the plan of salvation. But, I think that looking at 1 Cor 15 really affirms that the rest of scripture is a footnote that explains how the promise will be fulfilled. The seed of women is to crush the serpents head. If Jesus died but was not resurrected, death would have been victorious. The serpent would have won. When we see what Jesus actually did, it makes the intermediate steps along the way clear.
Think of it this way. In some ways, every intermediate step is important. If the Jewish nation had been wiped out, the physical line to Mary would have been stopped and Jesus would not have been born. Satan was active for thousands of years trying to wipe out the messianic line. But all these things happening would be meaningless unless Jesus rose from the dead. So the final event in the sequence is truly the most important.
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