Good morning sisters and brothers,
Why are we here? What is our purpose? These are the questions that people ask and that only the God who reveals hinself in the Bible can truly answer. Philosophy tries to answer, but starts on faulty foundations. So we should not be surprised that philosophical answers to these questions are inadequate at best and deceptive at worst. Today's devotion is on the solid foundation of God and his covanental relationship with man.
Jeremiah given task of repeating the covenant that Judah and Israel had already broken over the years. Listen to my voice and do all that I command you (v4) and Obey my voice (v7). He is supposed to go to all the cities of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem.
Reminds me of all the reminders in the New Testament. God doesn't make obedience harder and harder or change the standards. It is the stubbornness of our evil hearts that is the problem. Without a regenerate heart all we can ever have is a stubborn evil heart. The heart is the issue. Trying to reform behavior without a change of heart is futile.
I keep coming back to Paul and Romans 6&7. Obeying the Law cannot save or sanctify because the heart is sinful and cannot obey. Once the heart is regenerate, obedience is a response. The righteous by faith, shall live.
It was only when the law came (accomplished its purpose) to Paul that he realized his deadness.
What does this passage teach us about God?
He is the source of the prophet's message. Jeremiah is not told to come up with a warning that the people will understand. Jeremiah doesn't get to make the message acceptable to rebels in Judah.
He does not change the terms of the covenant. Go all the way back to Exodus 19:5-6
Now therefore, if you will indeed obey my voice and keep my covenant, you shall be my treasured possession among all peoples, for all the earth is mine; 6 and you shall be to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’ These are the words that you shall speak to the people of Israel.”
We don't get to change the gospel message either.
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