Good snowy day,
Back in the catch up mode. This is the reading from last Friday.
We often wonder what a passage means. In Deuteronomy, (the second law), we get Moses inspired commentary on the ten commandments. Doesn't get much better than than. Unless it would be Jesus commentary in the Sermon on the Mount.
Benefits of keeping and doing the law
1. They are our wisdom and understanding in the sight of the people around us.
McArthur study on Solomon & Proverbs - To the Hebrew mind, wisdom was not knowledge alone but the skill of living as God intended humans to live. Without revealed laws, man cannot know how God intends humans to live. Having the Ten Commandments does not make Israel wise, but does show them standard with intent that they realized they cannot attain.
2. Testimony to other nations that they may recognize Israel as a wise and understanding nation.
Having good laws on the books does not make a nation wise and understanding. They must actually put the laws into practice.
3. Demonstrates that God is near to His people.
These laws are revealed by God to Israel. They are not the result of human deliberation and legislation. These laws are framework for all subsequent human laws. John Adams recognized that the Constitution is only appropriate for a moral religious people. Without the foundation of individual moral responsibility, the superstructure of the Constitution will eventually crumble.
4. No other nation has statutes and rules so righteous as this law.
For the humanist that contends that man is basically good, there is really no need for the second table. In this world view, man would by nature honor parents, and not murder, commit adultery, steal, bear false witness or covet. Yet experience shows that unregenerate people constantly break one or more of these commandments.
For the hedonist (pleasure is the determination of good), laws that restrict pleasure are repressive and should be repealed. Righteousness is not a goal to be pursued.
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