Hello again my friends,
Hope you have had a good Sabbath. Thinking of Jonathan's message this morning about Jesus being our Sabbath rest. How he picks a fight with the religious leaders by healing one man out of a multitude of lame, blind and paralyzed. Remembering how He came looking for me on a spring evening in Evanston, Ill.
The duty to punish entire cities or towns that go astray and worship other gods.
1.The transition to distributed population poses new challenge to enforcement of commandments. During the 40 years in the wilderness, any individual who broke first or second commandment would be know to those around him or her. But once spread throughout Canaan, individuals and groups could go astray and might not be noticed.
2. Intentional drawing away - this is internal source of error, not from the surrounding people. These "worthless fellows" are Israelites. Instead of the serpent, they are the ones saying "Did God really say..."
3. Levites not guarding their ministry - When the tabernacle was at center of the community, Levites kept others from getting to close. Now with the tabernacle in one place, the Levites duty was different. In a way they were to keep people close to God by teaching and defending.
4. Keeping commandments was both individual and corporate responsibility. No one in the town stands up for what "God has said". One person standing for truth would save the whole town from destruction.
5. Physical reminder of results of being drawn away - Everybody who walks by the town that is now a heap of ruins would think "I don't want that to happen to my town".
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