Still catching up First 14 verses of this chapter are the blessings for obedience after entering the Promised Land. The next 54 verses are the curses for disobedience. Seems that "the stick" is more of a motivator than "the carrot" God clearly threatens his people who know His laws, statues, commandments and rules with dreadful results if they disobey. How are we to understand God's blessing and cursing in light of this chapter? God has a high standard for His people. In the OT, this was Israel and Judah. In the NT, this is the Church. But this doesn't mean that perfect perpetual obedience was or is possible. When I look at Israel, I can be dismayed that they fell away so quickly, but not that they fell away. As Paul explains in Romans, the law exposes our sinfulness and drives us to the Savior. It does not and cannot save us. Common grace is the only explanation for delay in judgment. Common grace is not saving gra...