Good morning faithful reader,
I thank God that the Holy Spirit has been working in you both to will and to work for His good pleasure. The Father delights to have His children read and meditate on His word. He delights in us when we delight ourselves in Him. As John Piper says, "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him."
We often hear about people today "being called to full time ministry." The Old Testament prophets had no doubt about their calling.
Interrogating the text
Who is the initiator in the dialogue? Isaiah hears the voice of the Lord. So the Lord is the initiator and Isaiah is the responder. He hears the question and volunteers to be the messenger, but without God speaking there would be no message and no messenger.
Why does God ask the question? Is He looking for information? No. Isaiah is the only person who has seen the vision of the Lord filling the temple. So he is the only one who can respond to the question. God is not randomly asking a group of people hoping the someone will help Him out. He is asking the person He has chosen to be His messenger.
Why does Isaiah respond? All the prophets are chosen by God. They are not self-appointed. They do not volunteer. God gives them the ability and the desire to do what He as called them to do. A picture of what happens in regeneration. The elect are given a new heart so that we are can respond in faith. Isaiah freely responds in the new nature God has given him.
Who is the recipient of the message? "This people" The people of Judah and Benjamin. The two tribes that God left under the sons of David. The line which would produce the Messiah.
What is the expected response to the message and the messenger? Keep on hearing, seeing and but not understanding. Hear and see physically but not spiritually. The message and the messenger would be rejected, but God still sends him.
When does God know what the response will be? Before He sends the messenger.
Instruction - God expects his messenger to speak the message and leave the results to Him. God gives the messenger the ability and will to be faithful.
Thanksgiving - The plan of salvation was fully known before the messengers were sent. Rejection is not an unexpected response and did not change the plan.
Confession - acting as if rejection is a result of my failure to be persuasive. Thinking that no one would refuse the gospel if I explain it the "right way".
Petition - Take refuge in the LORD who has given the message and entrusted us with the ministry of reconciliation..
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