Good morning fellow pilgrims & exiles,
Worked through some thoughts on the 3 big questions of life,(Where did I come from, why am I here and where am I going) as the Israelites may have thought as they were knocking on the door of the Promised Land. Which led me to think about the body we know as TCCS.
History matters.
Compare and contrast the first attempted entry and the second successful entry
First - Kadesh-Barnea in the south - 11 days journey from Horeb, entry to Promised Land was overland, no river to cross, larger area (to the Euphrates), 12 spies whole land. Moses & Aaron included.
Second - east side opposite Jericho, entry across the Jordan, Canaan only. 2 spies Jericho only. Aaron is dead and Moses is excluded.
So this book is a kind of last will and testament for Moses. Reminding the new generation of the blessings and cursing of the covenant. The foundation for the conquest was established in the law. Thinking back to "did God really say" of the garden. Now the commandments, statutes and rules had been given and worked out over 40 years in the wilderness. As they conquered the land, they had what God had said written down.
The end of one phase of Jewish history. Makes me reflect on a 3 themes of reformed thinking Historic faith, historic church and God is God of history. We moderns aren't really big on church history. And even if we think about since the Reformation, that is only 1/4 of all church history. A lot happened before that we are pretty much ignorant of. Israel had all their history with them as they prepared to enter the Promised Land.
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