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Proverbs 18:6-8 Words really do matter.

Good evening friends,

Hope you enjoyed today's live stream service.  Where would we be without the incarnation?

Finished the gospels today with the last chapter of John.  So we will start Psalms tomorrow.



Why does God include Proverbs in general and these 3 verses in particular in scripture? 

Let's think about these 3 verses first.  

Does it take devine inspiration to assess the link between speech and a persons heart?  Could Solomon just observe someone saying outrageous things and then getting into a fight because of what he said.  Or someone mouthing off to some official (soldier, elder at the gate) and receiving a beating for disrespecting authority.  

Just because people are fallen doesn't mean that they can't understand the patterns in life.  The Bible doesn't contain everything there is to know.

God wants his children to be wise. Just reminds me of a segment in Pilgrim's Progress when Christian runs into Worldly Wiseman.  Proverbs helps us to distinguish between wisdom that can be discerned by the world that aligns with God's truth and things that have the appearance of wisdom, but really are  not wise.  Think of all the self help books on how to be a better (fill in the blank).  All without the need for a new heart from God.  Proverbs and the other Wisdom literature are not "self help".  The gospel isn't "just do what Proverbs says".  That would be works righteousness.  Living in accordance with Proverbs are good works that God has prepared before hand for us to walk in them (Eph 2:10).  

These are just some thoughts meant to stimulate discussion.  I started off by asking why did God put Proverbs into the Bible.  Maybe a better question is what are you learning from reading and meditating on them.


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