Dear fellow disciples,
Enjoying the best day weatherwise until next April or so says the weatherman. I have now caught up with the reading plan as far as the blog is concerned. Thanks for hanging in there and persevering in daily readings.
Not only was it true when the Word came in the flesh, but it continues. This morning, I listened to a review of a short biography of Luther (Heroic Boldness of Luther) Some thins I either didn't know or didn't remember, but the 95 theses were written before his conversion. An unconverted man could see the problems with the visible Church.
His students took the theses down and gave them to this guy named Guttenberg.
The plague ravaged Germany in the 1520s. Yet the reformation burned bright. And we worry about Covid-19
Erasmus (a humanist and contemporary of Luther) went back to the Greek instead of relying on Latin. His Greek New Testament was "the bullet in Luther's gun" Luther used the Greek to translate into German so that people could see the deception of Rome.
Erasmus wrote Freedom of the Will. Luther's response was Bondage of the Will. Truth in response to error.
Instruction - what does God expect of me? Don't be upset about the darkness. Proclaim the life that is the light of men and God will take care of the results.
Thanksgiving - Sovereign grace.
Confession - Looking at the waves and storms, sinking due to "little faith". Heroic boldness is what other people do.
Petition - Walk in a manner worthy of the Lord.
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