As I write, I am smelling the wonderful smells of Thanksgiving lunch cooking in the oven. This is from 11.24.20. Prayer as a fragrant offering.
Segment of Luke 6:35 was theme for Adoration in PrayerMate app. (See the link on Tools for Growth under Resources tab on church website) God is kind to the ungrateful and the evil. This being Thanksgiving week and topic of sermon this week, ungrateful was the challenging word. As a secular world tries to give thanks to the inanimate universe, they are really ungrateful. God alone can be recipient of thanks. Yet Jesus tells us that God is kind to the ungrateful.
One of the ways He is kind to ungrateful Israel is the furniture of the tabernacle. The altar of incense existed for one purpose. Smoke from burning incense could be seen outside the tabernacle. A visual reminder if thanksgiving ascending go the Lord. A reminder of prayer as a pleasing fragrance to the Lord. God did not leave them on their own to figure out worship. All appointed in His word.
Instruction - God is kind to the ungrateful to draw them to repent and become thankful. I abuse his kindness when I am ungrateful. He does not execute immediate justice for this offense.
Thanksgiving - Kindness is as much part if Your nature as omnipotence. I was once an ingrate by nature until You saved me.
Confession - kindness does not dwell in my flesh. I am not kind to ungrateful people, but You are.
Petition - love enemies as rest of Luke 6:35 commands.
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