Good morning fellow saints,
Pharaoh may have been a pretty smart guy, but why didn't he "know the LORD"? I think this is very applicable to our witness today.
Worldviews in conflict. Pharaoh has his understanding of how the world works. The numerous Egyptian gods had their various domains. Not surprisingly, the Nile was at the center of what the gods did. The annual flooding was the source of prosperity. It was Pharaoh's job to keep the gods happy so that this would happen. So when these two Hebrews show up and tell him what the LORD says, it is no surprise that he proclaims his ignorance of this "new God". Since Egypt was a premier world power, their gods must be superior to anything that their slaves claim as their God. The Egyptians could explain the world with their gods. The Hebrews could explain the world with their God. Obviously, they both can't be true. The political, social and economic structure was taken as proof of the superiority of the Egyptian worldview. After all, what God would allow his people to be slaves in a foreign land for 400 years?
Instruction - so today the Church is telling the world "thus says the LORD". The worldview based on the God of the Bible is in conflict with all other worldviews. And like Pharaoh, the LORD is unknown to the adherents of each competing worldview. But it is the purpose of the Church to proclaim the excellencies of him who has called us out of darkness and into his marvelous light. (1 Peter 2:9)
Thanksgiving - the only true God. There never has been and never will be a God like our God. The marvelous light is not political, social or economic. Israel in Egypt was your sovereign redemptive plan.
Confession - Not willing to appear foolish to the world. Look at how small and insignificant the Church in New England is. What gives me the right to confront the powerful? is a poor excuse for disobedience.
Petition - let us be who we are. You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, 1 Peter 2:9
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