Good afternoon fellow sojourners,
Here we are in Exodus for the next 38 days. Many familiar stories and events, but it is not the people of Israel or Moses that is at center stage. It is the LORD. Praying that you will grow in your relationship with Him as we walk with Moses to the edge of Jordan.
Just wondering what prompted Moses to lead his father-in-law's flocks out of Midian and into the Wilderness of Sin? Map shows that Sinai was claimed by Egypt at the time. Wilderness doesn't sound like it would be a great place for flocks. The eastern branch of Red Sea separates Sinai from much of Midian. So he would have to go north in order to go south.
So an 80 year old shepherd goes on a difficult journey to the place where he would receive the 10 commandments and Israel would camp for about a year. And while he is there God is manifest in the burning bush and calls him to go back to Egypt.
Moses knew the history of God speaking to the patriarchs, but that was 400 years in the past. Nothing in his experience could prepare him for the encounter with God. Moses can only recount the events as he understood them. From his perspective, God responded to him when turned aside to see the sight. But God chose the place so that Moses could not help seeing the flame. God initiates, He appears in the fire, He calls Moses by name. Moses responds to God.
At the right time God acts to save His people. This was the right time to send Moses. Centuries in the future it would be the right time to send the Son, the better Moses.
Instruction - God is not in a hurry Israel had been in the greenhouse for 400 years. Moses was now through the prime of life. Canaan was almost ready to receive its rightful owners. The fact that this generation will refuse to enter is part of the pruning process for His people.
Thanksgiving - Your presence is what made the area around the burning bush holy ground. It became holy because You are holy. The One who is outside time and space invades time and space.
Confession - People turn aside to see You in us. Not to see the program or the music. You are the main attraction. Your are the only attraction.
Petition - Lead us to the far side of the wilderness. Lead us to the place You have prepared. Bring the people You are calling to hear the gospel and be saved.
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