Happy Reformation Day!!!
Just a short thought for today. Hope you have a blessed time of worship tomorrow.
You have probably heard of God being sovereign. This truth is summarized in phrase "God does all things for His glory and our good". In this passage, we see that God's leading Israel on a long path through the wilderness was for the good of Israel. God didn't consult with Moses about which way he thought would be best. The people were not asked what they thought about the path. God leads and Israel must learn to follow. The same process applies to me and every believer. When faced with a challenging path, I often ask "God, why do you want me to go that way when their is a quicker, easier path over here?" When we pray, "lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil", the path He chose before the foundation of the world is the path that avoids temptation and delivers us from evil. In this case, Israel would have faced war before they were ready and been tempted to turn around and go back to Egypt.
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