Good morning friends,
What a loving Father we have!! Paul's concern for the church in Corinth is not a product of his intellect or emotion. They play a role, but "pursue love" is a devine imperitive. Only God can issue this mandate. It is not just Paul's idea on how to improve the social atmosphere.
Pray with me that each and every member of the body here in Salem will pursue love.
The Corinthians were having problems using their spiritual gifts, specifically tongues and prophecy. Whatever you believe about the sign gifts and their operation today, Paul is addressing a symptom of lack of love. He starts with "pursue love". Chapter 13 is the "love chapter".
Editor to Calvin's commentary gives this insight to "pursue" The word διώκετε," says Doddridge, "properly signifies ― to pursue with an eagerness like that with which hunters follow their game. And it may be intended to intimate, how hard it is to obtain and preserve such a truly benevolent spirit in the main series of life; considering, on the one hand, how many provocations we are like to meet with, and on the other, the force of self-love, which will in so many instances be ready to break in upon it."
Instruction - in light of this passage, what does expect of me? Pursue love in all interactions with the body of Christ. To make this passage only about the gifts is missing the point. If I pursue love, the conflict over how these gifts relate will be resolved. The conflict is not due to the nature of the gifts, but the lack of love within the Corinthian church. Today, the symptoms involve other man made conflicts about issues of the day. But the root is not pursuing love.
Thanksgiving - the Trinity as source of spiritual gifts. Therefore, the gifts themselves cannot be divisive. The Trinity as the essence of pursuing love. Each Blessed Person is the model of love that we are to pursue.
Confession - drawn away from the pursuit of love by "provocations" and "self-love". External and internal distractions that I am unwilling to resist. My behavoir is often a provocation to others. But I am accountable for resisting both of them.
Petition - When I pray "your will be done", pursuing love is Your will. Every need on my list of concerns would be seen in the context of pursuing love.
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