Good morning friends,
So glad that providence landed us in Jude. Like the minor prophets in the OT, the shorter letters are often overlooked. But they are packed with God's truth. It is good that Jude wants us to remember what we should never forget. A theme I picked up from an Alister Begg sermon and used in one of mine last summer. But he got it from the Bible. It is not innovation. Everything we do must be based on scripture.
Jude, Jesus brother, writes a letter to remind his readers of what they once fully knew.
What was it that they once fully knew?
Jesus is the one who saved Israel out of the land of Egypt and then destroyed those who did not believe. So what we have been reading in Moses about the 40 years in the wilderness was really the work of the Son, the Second Person of the Trinity.
Jesus is the one who has kept the fallen angels (those who did not stay within their own position of authority) in eternal chains under gloomy darkness until the judgment of the great day.
The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was a picture of that great day. The destruction described in Genesis was a temporal physical judgment. But this was really an example of judgment of eternal fire.
Why do they no longer "fully know" this?
The false teachers of v 4 have apparently been successful in getting them to "deny our only Master and Lord Jesus Christ. Grace means license to sin. Exactly the claims that Paul addresses in Romans
What is the antidote to this false teaching?
Remember who Jesus is. Yes he is the loving Savior, but He is also the Lion of Judah. As Lewis says in Narnia Chronicles, Hi is not a tame Lion.
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